Thursday, January 2, 2020

#MustReadin2019 Final Update

Thank you to Carrie Gelson at There's a Book for That for hosting this annual challenge.  I'm happy to share that I read 8 out of 12 books on my #MustReadIn2019 list!  I enjoy making a reading plan each year and following the #mustread community of readers.  I'm looking forward to crafting my 2020 must read list this week!

Here is my update of my #MustReadin2019 stack!

I am on a mission to get this book in the hands of every educator I know!  After sharing it at a staff book talk, it's already started circulating with my colleagues. This book will have a treasured space on my shelves!

Two of my favorite characters from 2019 are Rodeo and Coyote.  A fabulous story with beautiful themes ... one of my favorites of 2019.

Beautiful characters with such a powerful narrative.  A true heart print book.

Lifeboat 12 was a brilliant book that I quickly put in the hands of my thirteen year old son and my eleven year old daughter.  We loved this historical novel in verse!

Mason Buttle is a character who will stay with readers long after the last page of this beautiful book.  

I adored Cat and Chicken! I will be recommending this book as a read aloud for our third grade teachers.

I have always been a huge fan of Maine author, Cynthia Lord. Her books always have such valuable lessons and this one is no exception! 

  This book is on the top of my recommendation stack for all of the teachers at our upper elementary school!  My book is tabbed with so many special lines with important messages for readers.  I wish I still had my own classroom so that I could dig into the messages in this book with students!

Books That Should Have Been in My #MustReadIn2019 Stack

I absolutely adore this book!  If you Ruby in the Sky isn't in your stack, I highly recommend it!

Still in my Stack for 2020!