It's time to update my #MustReadin2018 progress! Thankfully, I have more time time do dig into my TBR stack now that I am on vacation. I am grateful for Carrie Gelson and the #MustRead community for keeping me focused since it's easy to add new books to my stacks. I've been busy reading books that aren't on this list, so this spring update is a reminder to stay committed to my reading plan. I also know that summer vacation is my most productive reading time of the year, so I'm sure I will be deeper into the pile in my next update!
Happy Reading!
The War I Finally Won Finished 1/20/18
Just Like Jackie Finished 4/15/18

Fenway and Hattie: Up to New Tricks Finished with Grace 4/15/18

You Go First Currently Reading

Student Centered Coaching Currently Reading

The Honest Truth - Up Next!

Still in My Must Read Stack
Insignificant Events in the Life of a Cactus

Sticks and Stones

One Amazing Elephant

The List


Smart Cookie


The Train of Lost Things

Good Dog

The Truth as Told by Mason Buttle

Professional Books in my Must Read Pile
When Writers Drive the Workshop

Readers Front and Center

What Readers Really Do